Fun2MOOV!® Roll-Out Activities® Package
Practice fundamental motor and object control skills with this fun, colorful collection of portable mats that use the evidence-based practice of visual cues prompt kiddos to move and play! A great authentic assessment tool. The more you know about your...
from $348.00
Roll Object Control Roll-Out Activities®
Rolling a ball can be easy for some kids, but not all and this Roll-Out Activities® mat helps children learn in a fun, colorful way! The "ROLL" station can be set up using a target (e.g. bowling pin) or between...
Strike Object Control Roll-Out Activities®
Striking can be a lot of fun for kids and this Roll-Out Activities® mat helps children learn in a fun, colorful way! A "STRIKE" is typically performed using a lightweight bat with a batting tee but if able, can be...
Kick Control Roll-Out Activities®
Kids will get a kick out of this Roll-Out Activities® mat that helps children learn in a fun, colorful way!! The "KICK" station can be set up with a goal kicking the ball one at a time into a net....
Throw Object Control Roll-Out Activities®
The overhand throw is a critical skill that promotes midline crossing and this Roll-Out Activities® mat helps children learn in a fun, colorful way! The overhand "THROW" mat can be set up as a station where the ball is thrown...
Catch Object Control Roll-Out Activities®
Catching can be tricky for many children and this Roll-Out Activities® mat helps children learn in a fun, colorful way! The 'CATCH" station is an independent practice on catching skills and can be set up using a variety of methods....
Dribble Object Control Roll-Out Activities®
Dribbling is definitely a challenge for many kiddos and this Roll-Out Activities® mat helps children learn in a fun, colorful way! The 'DRIBBLE" station is to be independently used with a basketball appropriate for the size of the child. Dribble...
Slide Roll-Out Activities®
Who doesn’t like to slide? The Slide Roll-Out Activities® helps children learn to turn their bodies sideways as they move by sliding their feet. This important skill will enhance later more dynamic movements as children develop. Sliding helps promote lateral...
Leap Roll-Out Activities®
Our Leap Roll-Out Activities® provides dimensionality to challenge all! Our new leaping pattern provides a choice to leap high or far as kids move over the bar or into the circles. Leaping can be a difficult skill to learn as...
Jump Roll-Out Activities®
The Jump Roll-Out Activities® is great for jumping and learning to move your body away and towards midline while promoting an understanding of "In an Out" concepts for young children.  Kids can choose to jump in/ out on the path...
Gallop/ Skip Roll-Out Activities®
The Gallop/ Skip Roll-Out Activities® is an all time favorite! Whether the kids skip the figure 8 pattern continuously, or choose to gallop moving from right to left lead, the figure 8 pattern will help kids attend visually to the...
Run Roll-Out Activities®
The Run Roll-Out Activities® is a great way to engage young kids intrinsic desire to run and run fast! Whether on the playground or in the gym, children love to see how fast they can run! Run and they are off...
Hop Roll-Out Activities®
The Hop Roll-Out Activities® is all about tapping our kids creativity! Hopping on one foot from bubble to bubble is FUN and will keep your kids moving. Encourage using right and left sides of the body. Visually attend to the...
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