Multiplication Stair Risers Single Color Paint
Need paint? Take the guesswork out of it, and order paint directly from Fit & Fun. Our paint kit options match each stencil pattern shown and offer durable and economical solutions.
Spray Paint: includes cans of aerosol paint. Paint colors are similar to the colors and patterns shown and may be a more economical option.
Approved application surfaces and conditions: The following surfaces are typically compatible with paint. It is the customer's responsibility to check that the paint is capable with the pavement being painted.
- Asphalt, unsealed that has aged several months (90 days typically), unless passes adhesion test.
- Asphalt, sealed that has properly cured (90 days typically) and is compatible with the paint provided, unless passes adhesion test.
- Concrete, unsealed, cured for at least 28 days.
- Some other masonry surfaces (see manufacturer's information on can).
If you cannot confirm that your surface is listed above, it is recommended a test be performed prior to full-scale application. Please be sure to follow all instructions and guidelines for each paint type as provided on the can, as they may vary slightly.
Please read and carefully follow all directions for preparation and application.
See, feel, and test the difference our quality materials make! Each swatch kit contains one 6-inch material swatch of each product — Reusable Stencils, Super Stickers® products, and Roll-Out Activities® products.