Jumpin' Buddies SUPER STICKERS®

SS 7056

These Jumpin' Buddies are waiting to have fun with your kiddos.

Jumping stimulates proprioception. Input from jumping (proprioception) gives our bodies a better understanding of where we are in relationship to other objects or persons. Jumping promotes body awareness skills and coordination.

Set consists of 6 buddy stickers and movement word "Jump" sticker. Sizes vary: 6 - 9 inches wide by 9 inches high.

PURCHASE ORDERS: To learn more about ordering with a Purchase Order and other accepted payment types, be sure to check out our Ordering Page.

FREE SAMPLE KIT: If you'd like to get a first-hand look at any one of our products, we offer Free Sample Kits! Each kit contains a Super Sticker, Roll-Out Activity, and Reusable Stencil material sample – we'll even cover the cost of shipping! Get a Free Sample Kit.

Jumpin' Buddies SUPER STICKERS®
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